Men's Golf Association
at Mission Valley Country Club, Nokomis, FL
iOS Handicap App for MV Handicaps
I developed a very simple, iOS App (iPhone, iPad) that displays your handicap from each set of tees as well as a look-up feature for all MV male members. You are welcome to use it.

The link is:

Because of its limited use, Apple requires the app to be on "TestFlight"
  1. This is a two-step process for first time installation.
  2. Click the link above which should take you to the TestFlight App on the App Store. Download the app.
  3. Open TestFlight and my app (Mission Valley HDCP Conversion) should appear with "INSTALL" or UPDATE" next to it
  4. If it doesn't appear, go back and click the link again which will bring you to TestFlight with my app ready to Install/Update
  5. Install/Update the app and you're done. Make sure you select your name on the main screen to see your hdcps every time you open the app.
  6. NOTE: On the TestFlight app you will see in the top right the word "REDEEM". Ignore it.
  7. Apple requires that I update the app every 90 days or it will 'expire'. Just go back to your TestFlight app if you get the "expired" message and update.
  8. Question? Sorry, no Android version at least not yet.